/Whenever I've spoken to photographers about how to make their business - and their life - better, I always end with a challenge. Pick one thing. Just one. Find one thing that you WILL do differently. Focus your efforts on changing one habit, one system, one goal - and give it everything you have. Will it work? Maybe - maybe not.
The truth is, if we do nothing - than clearly nothing will change. If we do nothing different, than we won't do anything better.
I remember when I lived in the San Francisco Bay area. I remember when I first moved out there, and had no idea where anything was. I remember the feeling of not knowing anything about my surroundings, or my community. I remember opening my fridge and not having any groceries. So I got in my car. I didn't really know where I was going - but I knew that I've never discover anything if I didn't start driving.
So I drove around. I found some dead ends. I found neighborhoods, and shopping malls. Eventually, I found a Safeway, and I filled my fridge. I would have never found a grocery store if I just sat in my car in the driveway. I would have never discovered my community if I hadn't first put my foot on the pedal and started driving.
I'm not suggesting you go forward without a plan - this whole site is about building a plan. I am suggesting that you pick one thing in your plan, and DO IT. If it doesn't work - fine - do something else! That's how we learn and grow.
Now stop reading blogs and go do something for your business.!