A few fun stats about how many weddings, wedding photographers are shooting on average:


The average # of weddings shot in 2009 was 18.

The average # of weddings booked for 2010 was 13 (as of Nov 1).

The average # of weddings shot by photogs charging < $3500 was 14.

The average # of weddings shot by photogs charging $3500 - $5K was 27.

The average # of weddings shot by photogs charging > $5K was 19.


63% say that they are a full-time photographer and it is their only source of income.

6% say they are a full-time photographer and have a second, part-time job.

24% say they are a part-time photographer and have a full-time job that is their primary source of income.

7% say they are a part-time photographer and have a second, part-time job.